Sunday, June 30, 2013

Am I saved?

I have never asked myself that question before. I accepted Christ into my heart on April 15, 2011 and since then I have continued to stray away and come back to God. Recently though I have been very sinful and okay of my sins because I know Jesus died on the cross for me to my sins would be forgiven. I automatically assume that I am going to go to heaven. Until 3 minutes ago...

I was reading a blog post by someone and they were talking about the concept of being saved. One thing they pointed out is that we need to be craving God and wanting to know more about him. Lately, that really isn't me. I don't know if that ever was me... like I think it was, way long ago when I first accepted Christ I started to read the bible and then I started to stray away. I have always been so comfortable sinning because I know that I am going to heaven.

Well now I am worried. I have an internal struggle going on. I love to party I love to do lots of sinful things and I keep fighting myself against them but I so pationatly prefer to do the sinful things instead of being obediant and loving God. Then theres another part of me questioning God. I have a lot of friends that do not believe in God and bring up excellent points in not believing in God and I am starting to actually consider them, I used to just blow them off but now I am actually considering them... I am scared. I prayed to God that he would pull on my heart and open it up to help me want to know him and get rid of the sinful desires but I know deep down I just wanna keep doing what I am doing. It's concerning to me.

Please pray for me. I have never actually asked myself the question since that night "Am I saved??"

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